
COVID-19 vaccines have been developed at an unprecedented rate. Over 50 vaccines are in human trials. Several vaccines have received emergency / limited authorization for use in several countries. Several countries have commenced vaccination of priority groups, and many more are expected to commence in coming months. Almost all countries are in the process of procuring, approving and planning their distribution and administration of vaccine. Meanwhile many vaccine candidates continue to be developed and tested.

The situation is dynamic. International SOS is monitoring the situation closely. The latest updates are on the COVID-19 website and include a dedicated Vaccines page and Country Vaccine Tracker (log in using your membership number).



The process in each country is complex. Globally, vaccines are considered medical therapeutics, and are governed by national regulations for importation and use. Each jurisdiction has its own requirements. COVID-19 vaccines are expected to be progressively approved, produced and made available under the control of national health authorities in 2020/2021. 


Authorities are likely to initially control the access and the distribution of the vaccines while supplies are limited. During this period, private corporate sector and its employees will not have access to vaccine outside of these mechanisms.


In addition, while vaccines are initially in relatively short supply, they are reserved for the priority groups as specified by local authorities, commencing with the vulnerable groups and essential health workers. As the COVID-19 situation progressively evolves, International SOS continues to remain in contact with the relevant vaccine manufacturers and national health authorities.



Vaccination is a safe and effective way of preventing influenza and reducing its spread. Especially amidst COVID-19, the importance of educating your workforce about the proven benefits of the vaccine will help to reduce severity, protect at-risk groups as well as local healthcare capacity. 

Securing flu vaccine stocks, understanding how best to vaccinate personnel, and in which locations to focus vaccination activities this year, are all important factors to consider as part of your vaccination programme. 



International SOS is assisting our clients plan their vaccination strategies and protocols for the various employee’s population, including support for appropriate communication and education of employees for optimal outcome. Such support ensures the “readiness” of employers once relevant vaccine(s) become available in a given location.


On a country-by-country basis, International SOS is continuing to identify the additional support that can be provided to our customers in facilitating, within the rules established by the national authorities, vaccine access, its distribution and/or the vaccination of the employees for our clients. Our consulting practice has this expertise and is available to support your business. To learn more click HERE.


  • The Need: Our client was concerned about their role in vaccination rollout as they have international assignees in several locations around the world and were concerned about local plans.


  • Our Offer: Our health experts were on hand to support with their vaccine planning by provisioning vaccine information for the countries they operate in. This included vaccine options, workforce coverage, pros and cons of different vaccines, timeframes for vaccination, costs, priority vaccination groups and any costs. 

    Read the full case study.


  • The Need: Due to the growing infodemic associated with COVID-19, the C-Suite was seeking a trusted source of preventative advice in the locations they are operated in, particularly in emerging markets. 


  • Our Offer: Our experts provided strategic advice on their approach including recommendations tailored to their needs; such as vaccine and testing options. We prepared bespoke policies and protocols, as well as providing ongoing health advice as and when they needed to speak to our senior health experts.

    Read the full case study.