Asia Pacific


Guide to Health and Safety Laws in Australia

(English) Published by International SOS  Foundation (2020). This publication outlines the Duty of Care that Australian employers must follow to ensure the health, safety and security of the workforce. Responsibilities towards overseas  business travellers are also highlighted in this whitepaper.

Australian Model Workplace Health and Safety Laws: Commonwealth

(English) Published by International SOS. Briefing paper providing a general summary of health and safety laws in the Commonwealth.


Australian Model Workplace Health and Safety Laws: States and Territories

(English) Published by International SOS. Briefing paper providing a general summary of health and safety laws in Australian states and territories.


Australian Workplace Heath and Safety Video

(English) Published by International SOS. Video describing how best to comply with workplace health and safety laws in Australia.


Duty of Care to Mine Workers in Camps or On-site Accommodation

(English) Published by the Queensland Department of Mines and Energy. Outlines the Duty of Care companies have to mine workers living on-site.


General Duty of Care in Western Australian Mines (2nd Edition)

(English) Published by the Western Australia Department of Mines and Petroleum. Guidelines for meeting Duty of Care obligations for employees and workforce on mines in Western Australia.


Overseas Workers - How Should I Identify and Manage the Risks?

(English) Published by the Australian government. A document explaining which parts of the Work Health & Safety Act apply to business travellers.


Return on Prevention: Cost-benefit Analysis of Prevention Measures for Business Travellers and International Assignees
(Mandarin Chinese) Published by the International SOS Foundation and Prevent. This research shows the return on investment for travel health checks and malaria programmes.

International SOS Foundation Global Framework

(Mandarin Chinese) Published by the International SOS Foundation. This strategic framework guide organisations in identifying threats and hazards, and managing risks to the safety, health and security of those travelling for their work or on international assignment.

Enterprises' Duty of Care to Employees

(Mandarin Chinese) Published by King & Wood Mallesons and the International SOS Foundation. An overview of Duty of Care in the oil and gas industry in China.

Enterprises' Duty of Care to Employees

(English) Published by King & Wood Mallesons and the International SOS Foundation. An overview of Duty of Care in the oil and gas industry in China.


White Paper on Employer's Duty of Care for Employees Working Overseas

(English/Mandarin) Published by the CCPL (Centre For Comparative and Public Law) and the International SOS Foundation.  An overview of the Health and safety risks faced by the Hong Kong-based employees travelling and working overseas.


Employer’s Duty of Care When Employees Are Deputed Overseas: India Perspective

(English) Published by Nisith Desai Associates and the International SOS Foundation. Outlines the Duty of Care for businesses operating in India.


Employer’s Duty of Care in Japan Positioning Paper

(English) Published by the Baker McKenzie and the International SOS Foundation. Outlines the Duty of Care for businesses operating in Japan.


The Korea Employer's Duty of Care to Their Overseas Employees: A Legal Perspective

(Korean) Published by the BKL (BAE, KIM & LEE) and the International SOS Foundation. A briefing paper on Duty of Care in Korea and the responsibility of companies to their business travellers and expatriates.



(English) Published by International SOS Foundation, Malaysian Employers Federation and Shearn Delamore & Co.  An overview on the main legislations, insights of Occupational Health & Safety in the construction industry with reference cases in Malaysia and best practices for mitigating Occupational Health & Safety Risks.
(English) Published by Shearne Delamore & Co. Brief overview of an employer’s obligation of health and safety towards its employees under the laws of Malaysia.
(English) Published by the International SOS Foundation, Malaysian Employers Federation, Prevent and Shearn Delamore & Co. Whitepaper on laws and regulations in Malaysia pertaining to the Duty of Care of employees and workers working or travelling overseas.
(English) Published by International SOS Foundation, Ministry of Health and Social Security Organisation Malaysia. This paper outlines the overview of non- communicable diseases (NCDs) in Malaysia, impact of NCDs to the workforce and the importance of Wellness for business sustainability.

Campus Health Guidelines II

(English) Published by the International SOS Foundation, this booklet aims to provide schools, academic staff and students with the basic guidelines to travel safely and mitigate variable risks in advance ahead of school trips, exchange programmes or other outdoor learning activities. As a second edition to the Campus Health Guidelines, this updated booklet is intended as a management guide to support schools in developing the appropriate policies that meet their needs going forward, beyond COVID-19. 



Myanmar - A New Legal Environment for Occupational Safety & Health in Myanmar

(English) Published by Audier & Partners Myanmar Co. Ltd and International SOS Foundation.  Whitepaper - Myanmar intends to promote safe and secure workplaces for worker and increase their efficiency and productivity.

New Zealand

New Zealand Health and Safety Reform: Impact When Working Overseas

(English) Published by Minter Ellison Rudd Watts. Summary of New Zealand's Health and Safety reforms and impact on companies with overseas business travellers.

New Zealand Whitepaper

(English) Published by International SOS Foundation. A guide to help companies understand and comply with new Health & Safety laws in New Zealand.


Philippine Employer's Duty of Care

(English) Published by Picazo Buyco Tan Fider,  Santos Law Offices, and the International SOS Foundation. A legal perspective and strategic guidance to organisations in the Philippines to manage the safety, health and security of their employees on overseas travel.


Health, Security & Safety

(English) Published by the Workplace Safety and Health Council, Workplace Safety and Health Institute, Rajah & Tann, Prevent and the International SOS Foundation. Overview of the responsibilities of Singaporean organisations towards employees on business travel or overseas assignment.

The Singapore Employer’s Duty of Care on Workplace Safety & Health When Employees Travel

(English) Published by Rajah Tann and the International SOS Foundation. Overview of the Singaporean employers' Duty Of Care responsibilities for employees travelling overseas for work.


Employers’ Duty of Care when Employees are Assigned Overseas – A Thai Perspective

(English) Published by the Employers’ Confederation of Thailand (ECOT), Dharmniti Law Office and the International SOS Foundation. This paper is a guideline for Thai employers regarding their Duty of Care responsibilities when assigning their employees to work overseas.

Employers’ Duty of Care when Employees are Assigned Overseas – A Thai Perspective

(Thai) Published by the Employers’ Confederation of Thailand (ECOT), Dharmniti Law Office and the International SOS Foundation. This paper is a guideline for Thai employers regarding their Duty of Care responsibilities when assigning their employees to work overseas.


Vietnam Duty of Care and Occupational Health and Safety.  A legal perspective and employer best practices

(English) Published by Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), Phuoc & Partners and the International SOS Foundation.  The paper gives an overview of the Legal Landscape of Occupational Health and Safety in Vietnam as well as the Key Legislation for all Industries.

Vietnam Duty of Care and Occupational Health and Safety. A legal perspective and employer best practices

(Vietnamese) Published by Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), Phuoc & Partners and the International SOS Foundation. The paper gives an overview of the Legal Landscape of Occupational Health and Safety in Vietnam as well as the Key Legislation for all Industries.