

Fasken's article on the new Ombudsperson and Canada's approach on the international stage

Canada: In January 2018 the Government established "the Canadian Office of Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise" (CORE) with the authority to investigate alleged corporate harms involving Canadian companies operating abroad compel witnesses and documentation, mediate disputes, and make recommendations to the Trade Minister for further action where warranted. This initiative is another example of how States are implementing the UNGPs in addition to developing national action plans (NAPs) and introducing national laws with due diligence requirements.  

Fasken's report on lawsuits Involving Canadian business activities abroad

Canada: In January 2018 the Government established "the Canadian Office of Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise" (CORE) with the authority to investigate alleged corporate harms involving Canadian companies operating abroad, compel witnesses and documentation, mediate disputes, and make recommendations to the Trade Minister for further action where warranted. This initiative is another example of how States are implementing the UNGPs in addition to developing national action plans (NAPs) and introducing national laws with due diligence requirements.

Canada's Mobile Workforce: A Legal Perspective on Duty of Care and Employer Best Practices

Published by International SOS, Sherrard Kuzz, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 2016. Paper explores the legal landscape and the duty of care Canadian employers owe their Canadian workers who travel and/or work abroad.

Canada Criminal Code

(English and French) Published by the Canadian Minister of Justice. Outlines the laws related to Duty of Care and Occupational Health in the Canadian criminal justice system.

Canada Labour Code

(English and French) Published by the Canadian Minister of Justice. Outlines the laws related to Duty of Care and Occupational Health in the Canadian labour justice system.

How to Protect Your Workers Abroad

(English) Published by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada. Article explains the issues of not having an effective prevention plan in place.


Investing and Operating in Mexico: Mitigate Occupational Health Risks and Meet Regulatory Compliance

(English) Published by Enhesa and International SOS (2018). This whitepaper outlines the occupational health & safety regulatory framework, specific requirements organisations must adhere to, the occupational health challenges, five cases which represent non-compliance implications and concludes with best practices for mitigating risks.

United States

U.S. Legal Brief: Duty of Care and Managing Liability Risk for International Assignees

(English) Published by International SOS Foundation. Article informing companies of their Duty of Care to employees and the benefits of a prevention plan.

Start to Finish: Eight Essential Steps for Duty of Care

(English) Published by International SOS Foundation. White paper outlining eight steps to recognise and implement Duty of Care practices in an organisation.

U.S. Legal Brief:  Legal Perspective on Health, Safety and Security Responsibilities for US Mobile Workforce

(English) Published by International SOS Foundation.  White Paper outlining Employer Best Practices and Travel Risk Management Checklist