Medsite - the site-based medical staffing solution
International SOS helps organisations to manage and reduce the health risks facing their employees. In Saudi Arabia, we offer medical staffing and supply chain solutions.
Our on-site medical personnel are supported and managed by our global infrastructure and resources and receive continuous medical education, coaching and training. Physicians, nurses, medics, and occupational and public health experts:
• Are appropriately-qualified and experienced.
• Deliver routine primary care activities.
• Provide emergency medical care.
• Undertake preventative and management activities such as implementation of site
health plans and management of medical supplies and equipment.
Our set of supply chain services ensure that medical supplies reach project sites when they
are needed.
• Advisory services are a set of consultancy based services used to pre-qualify potential medical supplies providers, or to advise on a list of medical supplies adapted to a particular project site’s requirements
• Arrangement services assist organisations in arranging the purchase of medical supplies including a selection of a suitable supplier, management of orders, invoicing, contracting and other optional requirements.
Your Offshore Safety and Medical Services Partner

We work to increase offshore drilling safety standards, reduce medical costs, enhance HSE performance and maximise your productivity.
We have an unrivalled understanding of the challenges faced by companies working in the offshore oil and gas industry. Our teams have more than 30 years' experience providing offshore health and safety solutions.
We understand that mining is one of the world’s most risk-laden industries. Employees of even the most advanced and diligent companies face operational threats ranging from cave-ins and fires to chemical leaks, electrocution and vehicular accidents.
Mitigating the dangers involved in both underground and open-cast mining are far from the only challenges mining companies face. They’re also required to operate in remote and demanding locations, often on a different continent, many thousands of miles from home and where corporate management is based.
Over the last 30 years, we have worked alongside some of the world’s largest mining companies to help them run their operations throughout their entire project lifecycle.
With a strong focus on prevention, we can support your business continuity agenda at all times by providing timely and quality medical care and security support to your employees, increasing their productivity and reducing lost time. Furthermore, we can help you to reduce the number of expensive failed assignments and limit costly employee replacements.