
We understand that mining is one of the world’s most risk-laden industries. Employees of even the most advanced and diligent companies face operational threats ranging from cave-ins and fires to chemical leaks, electrocution and vehicular accidents.

Mitigating the dangers involved in both underground and open-cast mining are far from the only challenges mining companies face. They’re also required to operate in remote and demanding locations, often on a different continent, many thousands of miles from home and where corporate management is based.  

This means they have to supply their own infrastructure, from health and power to communications and transport. 

The precarious nature of some of the political environments in which many mining companies operate can also make ensuring the wellbeing of their people and security of other assets a major challenge.

Container clinic

The business imperative

In the midst of these challenges, mining companies also have a business to run. So not only do they have to provide their employees with the highest possible standards in meeting their Duty of Care, they also need to drive productivity while managing and controlling their costs in a sustainable way.

In many countries and communities, they have simultaneously to uphold the standards of behaviour that ensure they meet all regulatory requirements that entitle them to a social licence to operate.


A holistic medical & security solution for your business

Over the last 30 years, we have worked alongside some of the world’s largest mining companies to help them run their operations throughout their entire project lifecycle.

With a strong focus on prevention, we can support your business continuity agenda at all times by providing timely and quality medical care and security support to your employees, increasing their productivity and reducing lost time. Furthermore, we can help you to reduce the number of expensive failed assignments and limit costly employee replacements.


  • Assess your employees’ fitness for work: By investing in the evaluation of your employee’s health, we can ensure they are fit to work. Whilst on-site, we are also able to monitor and promote their health with targeted and tracked occupational health programmes.
  • Educate your workforce before they depart: Through our specialist information facilities we help you to prevent an incident from occurring. 
  • Provide your employees with access to specialist advice 24/7, before and during an assignment. 
  • Provide project medical solutions with access to our Assistant Centres who can offer specialist medical advice specific to your industry. These primary, emergency and occupational health care solutions are designed as a sustainable framework (Mining Project Lifecycle) and focused on improving worker productivity and reducing unnecessary offsite referrals.
  • In the event of a major crisis: We can help you immediately find out where exactly your employees are and support them as needed.