Clinic Care

We are proud to present the tenth edition of the International SOS health magazine, Clinic Care.


In these unprecedented and uncertain times of the pandemic, promoting awareness and providing information and advice from our experts is key to help your organisation face current health and wellbeing challenges.

This edition focuses on the current COVID-19 pandemic and the impacts it might have on your global workforce.

In the face of these challenges, our Clinic Care Magazine demonstrates our adaptability through our TeleConsultation services and highlights our on-the-ground expertise and impact in saving lives including the story of Dr Amara Allison who identified Nigeria’s first COVID-19 case.


We hope you are able to use Clinic Care as an educational reference guide as well as a tool to improve your own health and those of others.

Our doctors provide medical assessments to evaluate a person’s physical and mental health in addition to assessing the health impact of the hazards particular to each specific worksite environment. Education and the access to information are very important to ensure a healthier, more stable and productive workforce. 

Prevention through the correct care is what we aim to promote through this edition by providing information and valuable tools to you, your family, employees and companies.