The International SOS Foundation’s Duty of Care awards are free to enter.
1. Definitions
Applicant – any organisation that submits a formal Entry in pursuit of a Duty of Care Award,
as defined within this document.
Entry – a formal, written submission made by the Applicant, on the appropriate Entry forms which are hereby incorporated by reference, and are subject to these Terms and Conditions.
Awards – the Duty of Care Awards.
Judging Panel – a group of individuals, appointed by but independent from the International SOS Group of Companies and the ISF, to achieve entries, shortlist submissions, and select Awards winners.
Finalist / Nominee – any Entry that is shortlisted by the Judging Panel.
Owner of the Awards – Stichting International SOS, a registered public charitable institution
organised under the laws of the Netherlands (“ISF”).
2. Objective of the Duty of Care Awards
The Global Duty of Care Awards recognise and honour organisations around the world that fulfil their Duty of Care responsibilities raise the standards of work conditions globally, improve people’s welfare and ultimately, help save lives. The Awards recognise those who design, implement and improve processes and systems that mitigate health and security risks and contribute to effectively protecting workers overseas.
3. Awards Categories
There are seven categories of the Awards:
i. COVID-19 Agility & Response: This category recognises an organisation that demonstrated outstanding response to COVID-19 in protecting the health and wellbeing of their workforce.
ii. Inclusion & Diversity: This category recognises effective programmes that promote inclusion, diversity and equal opportunity within the workplace.
iii. Communications: This category recognises effective communications campaigns or programmes that mitigate health or security risks impacting a global workforce.
iv. Duty of Care Ambassador: This category recognises an individual who has made significant impact in protecting their workforce from COVID-19.
v. Innovation: This category recognises new and novel approaches to identifying, managing and mitigating risk, including utilising advancements in technology.
vi. Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) : This category recognises the role of Duty of Care and Risk Management in an organisation’s Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance programme.
4. Call for Entries
A Call for Entries to the Duty of Care Awards shall commence on Wednesday, 14 July 2022 and will be announced in one or more relevant leading publications, online through the Awards website, using social media, and through direct communications with potential Applicants. A period of four months will follow the Call for Entries in order to provide sufficient time for Applicants to prepare and submit an Entry.
5. Participation
An Applicant may enter up to two Awards categories, providing each submission reflects different initiatives, in line with the Terms and Conditions contained in this document. Where an Entry is duplicated and submitted for more than one category, it shall only be considered for the first category in which it was received. The Judging Panel has the right to reclassify Entries from one category to another at its discretion.
6. Eligibility
The Duty of Care Awards are open to all companies, institutions, non-government organisations as well as the government sector. The Awards are global in nature and open to all organisations in any location.
Each Entry should cover one site, business unit, or organisation.
The initiative, activity, project or programme of work described within the Entry should have been implemented or operated within the period of 1st January 2021 - 1 January 2022. Applicants must not have suffered any work-related fatalities; been subject to any prohibition notice, or received formal notice by a regulatory body to cease any or certain work activities; or have been the subject of any convictions with regard to health and safety at work. In addition, there must be no on-going criminal investigations or prosecutions pending in relation to the site, business unit or organisation submitting the Entry.
The Judging Panel holds the right to disqualify any Entry which does not meet the eligibility criteria.
The Judging Panel and Owner of the Awards retain the right to modify the eligibility criteria from time to time, with retrospective effect.
7. Receipt of Entries
Submission of an Entry to the Awards will constitute acceptance of the Terms and Conditions contained within this document and a grant of non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable right to use the Applicant’s materials contained in the submission as necessary to conduct the Awards.
A person submitting the Entry on behalf of any other person or entity warrants that such person or entity has provided its approval for such submission and the use of any relevant materials as provided herein.
All Entries must be submitted in the English language.
Entries must be received by midnight GMT on 14 November 2022. Entries received after this date may not be considered.
Any Entry that is deemed by the Judging Panel to be incomplete, incomprehensible, or received in any other format than the official Entry form may be disqualified. Should it be found that information submitted within an Entry is incorrect, inaccurate or misleading the Entry will be removed from the Awards application process. The Judging Panel has the right to request further information, evidence or data to supplement or confirm submissions made during the application process. Where such a request is made and the Applicant does not provide further details, the Entry may be disqualified.
Applicants should not make any attempts to personally contact any members of the Judging Panel with reference to their involvement with the judging process. This will be viewed as an attempt to influence their impartiality and is not deemed as appropriate by the Judging Panel or the Owners of the Awards.
8. Consent
Any Entry constitutes the Applicants consent to the ISF using the name of the Applicant Company and each individual referenced in the Entry in conjunction with the International SOS Foundation’s activities, and to use the materials submitted as outlined herein.
9. Entry Assessment
Entries received will be collated according to each Awards category for assessment by the Judging Panel.
The Judging Panel will assess all Entries received and nominate Finalists per category.
One Winner per category will be selected. The Judging Panel may decide to not award a Winner in any category.
The Judging Panel’s decision is final and binding on all Applicants.
10. Confidentiality
As the purpose of the Duty of Care Awards is to promote and propagate best practices regarding the subject matter of the Awards, information submitted by an Applicant will be used for (i) the purposes of assessing the entries and (ii) placing information regarding the winning, runner up and other Entries on the International SOS Foundation’s website.
The ISF shall notify the Applicant of its intention to post any specific materials provided by the Applicant on its website, and in the event that the Applicant requests that certain information therein be withheld or redacted, such request shall be addresses in good faith by the parties, if necessary, by de-identifying such materials or as otherwise agreed. Subject to the provisions of this document, ownership of the materials submitted by Applicants shall remain with the Applicant. The ISF may also repurpose entry materials submitted by Applicants for case study usage or educational purposes, provided in such event, (a) the ISF will give the Applicant prior notice, and allow the Applicant an opportunity to comment on such materials, and (b) attribute relevant materials to the Applicant(s) who have submitted the same.
11. General
Participation in these Awards is considered as acceptance of the Terms and Conditions contained within the document.
Applicants to the Duty of Care Awards understand and agree that application to the Awards does not entitle them to a prize or any other form of consideration. Applicant acknowledges that “Duty of Care”, “Duty of Care Summit & Awards” and the “International SOS Foundation” are trademarks of the Stichting International SOS (“Marks”). Should Applicant be notified by the ISF that the use of the Marks does not comply with ISF’s guidelines for use of the Marks Applicant shall immediately desist from such use or remedy the use to the satisfaction of ISF. Applicant shall not use, register, or attempt to register in any jurisdiction any Mark that is confusingly similar to or incorporates any ISF Mark. All uses of ISF’s Marks and all goodwill associated therewith shall inure solely to the benefit of ISF and ISF retains all right, title and interest in and to its Marks.
Each party shall release and hold the other party harmless from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, deficiencies, claims, actions, judgements, settlements, awards, penalties, fines, costs or expenses of whatever kind including reasonable attorney’s fees to the extent resulting from any claim, suit, action or proceeding arising out of or related to the Awards.
This Agreement is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and any legal suit, action or proceeding arising out of the Awards shall be instituted in the courts of London, England.
Each party agrees that electronic signatures of the parties included in this Agreement are intended to authenticate this writing and to have the same force and effect as manual signatures.