Air ambulance evacuation of a critically ill COVID-19 ICU patient from Myanmar to Thailand


International SOS evacuated an employee of our client, an oil & gas company in Myanmar, who had tested positive for COVID-19, via air ambulance. 


Service: Assistance
Location: Thailand



The patient, a Thai citizen, was a dependent of a Yangon-based international assignee, contracted COVID-19 and was admitted to a COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Yangon, Myanmar. Unfortunately, the patient’s medical condition deteriorated after a week upon admission. This patient required specialised medical care available in Bangkok, the nearest centre of medical excellence.





We were on hand to support the critically ill COVID-19 patient with severe respiratory problems via an air ambulance evacuation from the ICU in Yangon to Bangkok. We worked closely with the treating doctor to ensure that patient’s medical condition was stabilised prior to the evacuation due to the complexities involved. Our Medical Operations Team worked through multiple complex processes starting from obtaining technical documents, acceptance of patient at the receiving hospital, acceptance of aircraft provider to join the mission to getting approvals from authorities both in Myanmar and Thailand, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health, and Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand. 



The impact was positive as the evacuation mission was completed safely from the time of pick-up to the handover of the patient to the receiving hospital in Thailand, all the while ensuring the health and safety of the patient, doctor, nurses, pilots and cabin crew.