COVID-19 vaccination planning for a large media conglomerate


International SOS provided vaccination planning support to a large media conglomerate amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.


Service: Vaccine Planning
Location: Berlin, Germany



Our client was concerned about their role in vaccination rollout: they have international assignees in several locations around the world and were concerned about local plans: (a) expats working in Mozambique would receive a different vaccine to that approved for Ireland; and one that had not been approved by the global vaccine regulatory bodies and (b) British nationals working in Spain did not qualify for the vaccination rollout by the Spanish health authority, would they have to return to the UK in order to receive vaccination?





We were on hand to help with the rollout planning. This included the provision of vaccine information in the countries they operate in including vaccine options, workforce coverage, pros and cons of different vaccines, timeframes for vaccination, costs, priority vaccination groups and any costs. We also provided educational webinars for key stakeholders in HSE, HR and Security at the organisation, in a variety of languages, and will assist with overall policy and protocol reviews as the different vaccination rollouts around the world progress.


Our health experts also regularly monitor the changing situation in each operational location, providing fortnightly updates which enable the assessment of when the company can take a more proactive role in vaccination rollout to their workforce.



The impact was very positive as we helped our client have a clear plan to addressing all their employees’ needs for vaccinations, no matter where they are working.