
International SOS supports large technology firm to execute a global flu vaccine programme for their people across 35 locations.


Service: Vaccine Programme, Health Consulting
Location: Global



As part of their overall wellness agenda and to reduce absenteeism due to influenza, a large technology conglomerate was in search of a global vaccine programme to provide protection to their people during the yearly flu season. With offices across 35 countries, managing the logistics, staffing, sourcing and delivery was challenging for their stakeholders to manage all while complying to local regulations. It was important that the organisation offer this programme on a voluntary basis but ensure their people received the most accurate information regarding the influenza vaccine in order to empower them to make an educated decision.


Vaccine programme case study



Following local regulations, our programme experts worked alongside the organisation’s stakeholders to provide a cost-effective and consistent immunization programme for multiple locations across their global operations. A vetted vaccination provider network was set up, providing ease and convenience for employees to obtain the immunization. A dedicated programme manager worked with the local managers to administer a targeted campaign using educational material on the objective of the flu immunization and to motivate employee participation. Allowing pre-booking to schedule appointments, the programme was delivered over the vaccination campaign period. Trained nurses were on-site to answer any questions employees had regarding the vaccination and general health questions.

Upon completion of the flu vaccination, our experts evaluated the data and returned a report to stakeholders on uptake rates and demographics of those who participated. Year on year, the information serves as a valuable trend and benchmark for each location, allowing further targeted health promotional events. 



Across four years of delivering the programme, we saw uptake rates increase 200% percent in select locations demonstrating a larger population of protected employees and an improved understanding on their available benefits on site. The organisation benefited from a decrease in absenteeism during the flu season and the programme empowered their people to make educated decisions regarding their health and wellbeing. It also eased complications of identifying COVID-19-related symptoms from the common flu.

Regardless of the vaccination, our global health consultants are on hand to deliver the most cost-effective programme for your workforce that is managed by our team of experts to ensure your people receive the best quality care.