Evacuation of a family during the COVID-19 Pandemic


International SOS helped Louis, a director of a French organisation, and his family to travel from Turkey to France during the COVID-19 Pandemic.


Service: Security Evacuation
Location: Istanbul, Turkey



Louis was on an assignment in Istanbul, with his family. They became very concerned about the measures that took place following the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the potential closure of borders. Louis and his family wanted to return to France, their home country, as soon as possible.




Louis reached out to International SOS to organise their evacuation from Turkey to France. International flights were already very restricted, as each country had begun to close its borders. The only flight option available was on that very evening at 20:00 local time. This repatriation was only possible if our teams could support the end-to-end journey from their home in Istanbul to their residence in the south of France.



In less than three hours, and despite the heavy logistical constraints linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, our security team was able to provide secure transport services from their home to the airport where they took their flight. Louis and his family safely returned back to their home in France.