First aid on holiday


International SOS ran an intensive one-day First Aid Training course for a fast-moving consumer goods company with an office in Russia. One of the participants was their Marketing Director, Thomas. It was his first ever First Aid Training but it later became a life-saving lesson.
Service: International SOS First Aid Training
Location: Moscow


Nine months on - during a seaside holiday in Europe, Thomas spotted two men helping someone lying on the pavement.  After considering the two men may not know first aid, he pulled over his car to help. As he approached the scene the severity of the situation soon became apparent. A jogger had passed out on the ground; his face flushed blue and his eyes wide open. Thomas checked his breathing and pulse; neither were present.  



Fortunately, one of the men helping had experience in emergency services. Thomas remembering his skills from the First Aid Training, supported him while he gave the jogger a cardiac massage, the third person called an ambulance. 
Thomas saw a camp site 200 metres away, he ran to see if there was a defibrillator available. The other man continued the cardiac massage. 
Fortunately, the emergency services came within five minutes. They took over the cardiac massage and installed their defibrillator. After about 15 to 20 minutes, the jogger began to regain consciousness. After another 20 or 25 minutes in the ambulance, they brought him to a stable enough condition to be transported by helicopter to the closest hospital.


Two days later, Thomas spoke to the jogger on the phone; he had made a full recovery. For Thomas though it was a great learning experience which proved how crucial, powerful and lifesaving First Aid skills could be whether in life or at work.