Helping an organisation to conduct business-critical travel during COVID-19


Our client wanted to make sure that any travel was conducted according to COVID secure protocols in each location they operated in.


Service: Workforce Resilience
Location: Dresden, Germany



The COVID-19 pandemic meant that our client was concerned about any employee travel. They wanted a simple method for their employees to assess whether their current health status would allow them to travel, and to provide information that would educate their employees how to conduct travel in a safe way, with minimal disruption.





International SOS helped them to establish a Workforce Resilience programme that would allow each employee to self-assess whether travel was possible, and under what restrictions. They can review the very latest information on our Assistance App and portals.


Furthermore, the organisation put in place a mandatory pre-travel assessment (Travel Ready) that contains a COVID Safe questionnaire. It provides a very quick tool for an employee to quickly assess whether travel is possible, considering their overall health and specific vulnerabilities to COVID. This complied with the organisation’s strict data privacy policies – and results can only be reported in aggregate.


Occasionally, an employee or manager still had questions after reading the above information and guidance. They can now raise these immediately with one of our experts in an Assistance Centre.



The organisation was delighted with the solution. They are now able to demonstrate how they are continuing their business in a COVID secure way, and not exposing their people to unnecessary health risks. In addition, the internal teams have significantly reduced the amount of time spent on tracking changing restrictions and answering questions from their employees.