Mali Attack


On 20 November 2015 terrorists attacked an internationally recognised hotel chain in Bamako, capital of Mali. They took 170 hostages and killed 20 in a mass shooting. Throughout the day, our crisis management teams in Paris and London provided essential advice to clients. Our unique operations network meant we were able to maintain contact with clients and members affected and coordinate the response accordingly.

In total we dealt with 29 cases.
Service: Security Assistance: Diplomatic representation of members, flight support, crisis management support
Location: Bamako, Mali



One member was trapped in her hotel room during the attack. She called us for support. One of our security experts stayed on the phone with her for four hours to help her through the ordeal. This lifeline provided essential emotional support in addition to expert advice. 

mali hotel main


During the call, we advised on how to deal with the smoke in the room, life-safety techniques, and what to do in the event of the attackers trying to gain entry.
We supported other members in the hotel who either escaped or were freed by security forces, including:

  • On-the-ground security assistance to move people to a lower-profile hotel
  • Diplomatic representation for those whose passports had been left in the hotel
  • Flight support where needed
Thanks to our social media monitoring, we were amongst the first to find out about the attack. Once the information was confirmed with our provider on the ground, we immediately issued a special advisory to our clients.


Our work did not end after the main crisis was over. We continued to provide updates on the situation e.g. whether the security environment had materially changed.