Military Coup


In September 2015, a military coup was launched in Burkina Faso. The coup was successful in seizing control of Ouagadougou, the country's capital. 

Running out of malaria medication while on business travel can be very stressful, especially if the country of travel is a malaria high risk zone. This situation was worsened for one member when the country suddenly experienced the coup, therefore heightening personal security risk and vulnerability. 
Service: Integrated medical and travel risk security assistance
Location: Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso


A member on assignment in in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso had travelled to Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso’s second largest city 350km away) on business. On the day he was due to travel back to Ouagadougou, news of the military coup emerged and he was advised through International SOS Travel Security Alerts to 'stand fast at a secure location until the situation is contained.' However, earlier in the day he had realised he was running out of his anti-malaria prophylaxis, and therefore was anxious to get back home. 

main image burkina case



Once the traveller had communicated his location and situation, International SOS was able to regularly send him updates (via specific Special Advisories) on the evolving security situation, therefore reassuring and allaying any fears he may have had. International SOS assessed the situation in Bobo-Dioulasso, and provided the member with a credentialed local medical provider who could supply additional antimalarial medication to the traveller, while he waited for further instructions from the security team.




International SOS was able to extract the member safely and place him on a commercial flight back to his country of residence, therefore avoiding an expensive air evacuation exercise for the member and his employer