Reduction of COVID-secure facilities costs


International SOS supported our client, a large technology conglomerate, with cost-based decisions about their preventative COVID-secure facilities during the pandemic.


Service: Health Consulting
Location: Tokyo, Japan



Our client was very concerned with the significant costs associated with the maintenance of heating and ventilation facilities of their offices due to employee absenteeism as a result of the pandemic. Despite very low occupancy, they believed that they needed to operate their heating and ventilation facilities at 100% to ensure they remained COVID safe.





We reviewed and amended their heating and ventilation policies and provided them with evidence based advice on appropriate heating and ventilation changes they could make. This included a tool that allowed them to calculate COVID risk after entering a variety of factors including temperature, building space, room volume and numbers of occupants. This allowed the client to alter their ventilation systems and significantly decrease their costs.



The impact was very positive as we enabled our client to halve their energy usage in many office locations, which led to significant cost-savings.