Reliable COVID-19 vaccine and testing advice to C-Suite executives


International SOS provided up to date, factual and reliable COVID-19 advice to the C-Suite of a large automotive conglomerate during the pandemic.


Service: Health Consulting
Location: Seattle, Washington, United States



Due to the growing infodemic associated with COVID-19, the C-Suite was seeking a trusted source of preventative advice and methods to follow in the locations they are operated in, particularly in emerging markets, where they had less knowledge and experience with the local governments and public health authorities. They also noted how advice seemed to keep changing – and were struggling to keep abreast of what to do where and when.





We provided strategic advice on their approach including a review of their options and recommendations tailored to their needs; such as vaccine and testing options, in each operational area. We prepared bespoke policies and protocols, as well as providing ongoing health advice as and when they needed to speak to our senior health experts.


Furthermore, our health experts regularly attended board meetings to advise on the changing situation and delivered education webinars to their employees and their families. 



The impact was very positive as we helped improve the C-Suite's confidence and speed of decisions, as well as boosting employee confidence and morale through clear and regular education and communications.