Researchers evacuated from Bangui to USA during COVID-19 Pandemic


International SOS chartered a flight for four researchers from Cornell University from Bangui, Central African Republic to the United States after commercial flights were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Service: Security Evacuation
Location: Bangui, Central African Republic



Four researchers were stuck in Central African Republic after the government closed the borders and commercial flights were cancelled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  





Our client called International SOS for assistance with charter flight options out of Central African Republic. We used our regional knowledge to identify where the researchers could travel via charter flight to then get more economical commercial flights back to the United States. Our Johannesburg Assistance Centre chartered a plane to Bangui, where the researchers were able to take onward commercial flights back to the US. 


We identified the most efficient and economical way to securely evacuate the researchers from the Central African Republic and return them safely to their families in the US.