supporting business continuity at remote sites in Kazakhstan amidst the COVID-19 pandemic


International SOS provided a National EMI client in Kazakhstan with a comprehensive medical solution and support to fully prepare the client's remote operation for the on-and-off-site movement restrictions amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Service: Medical Staffing, Supply Chain, Consultancy
Location: Remote sites, Kazakhstan.



The emergency introduced in Kazakhstan due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent measures of in-country mobility restrictions significantly impacted the remote site’s rotation-based personnel settings. Given the suspension of passenger trains and aircraft around the country, the introduction of quarantine in cities and other restrictions, the client decided to leave the current employees of the two remote sites on duty until the situation resolved. Access to the sites were closed too. Our client urgently needed to ensure that those 851 employees remaining on duty at the sites felt safe and supported - including with medical and emotional support – also allowing for the continuation of a flawless site operation.  




Our Kazakhstani Medical Director and our medics and psychologists already working at the sites consulted the client on the necessary measures in this situation. Both our medics and supply chain service delivery team ensured the client’s sites were fully equipped and have all that was required for three more months of the lockdown. Among the introduced measures were robust and detailed sites’ screening plans, personnel screening at on-site-clinics, provision of emotional support, including by mobile phone. On the supply chain side, our team provided the sites with the medications as well as with needed disinfectants, PPE and antiseptics, and consulted where the antiseptics were to be placed.  



The comprehensive medical staffing and supply chain support we provided to the client along with additional pandemic support and consultancy resulted with the their remote sites being fully equipped and prepared for the flawless operation and business continuity in the face of the COVID-19 lockdown. Furthermore, their people felt safe and well cared for during this difficult time.