Tackling the impact of a domestic crime rise in South Africa during COVID-19


International SOS helped the security team of a multinational financial services firm to reduce the amount of domestic crime their people were experiencing during the pandemic.


Service: Consulting (Workforce Resilience)
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa



The security team of a multinational financial services firm found that an escalating number of their people were falling victim to domestic crime (e.g. robberies). Many people in South Africa had to work from home during the pandemic and more criminals had switched their attacks to peoples’ homes.


The employees were frightened for their safety and felt unable to work effectively. Their security team were based in Europe and did not know who could help on-the-ground in South Africa.




International SOS quickly helped to connect our client with local armed security providers – who were already vetted and approved by us.


We were able to help our client to prioritise their most at-risk employees. Using video assessments to work out if security measures should be improved e.g. external fencing needed reinforcing.


Furthermore, our security experts were on-hand to report any incidents noted by the local providers, so the team back in Europe had full visibility.



The security team were able to quickly establish a reinforced support for their people in South Africa. The service also has long-term positive impacts for the company because they have been able to improve overall security measures at their employees’ homes.