TeleConsultation during the COVID-19 outbreak


International SOS provided teleconsultation to John, who had been impacted by the quarantining and containment amidst the COVID-19 outbreak in China. 


Service: TeleConsultation
Location: Hubei province, China.



While in Hubei, John did not anticipate that he was going to undergo a quarantine period due to the COVID-19 outbreak. He takes regular medication for an existing health issue, but under quarantine, he was running low and needed to receive a new supply as soon as possible. He started to grow very impatient and was worried that a lack of access was going to result in further health complications. 




John reached out to us and explained his situation. We coordinated a TeleConsultation with a licensed doctor in China, who evaluated him via video and issued a remote prescription. Upon issue of prescription, we contacted local pharmacies that were still open in the Hubei province, pharmacies which we had already assessed and accredited. We were then able to coordinate delivery of the medication directly to John, which meant that he did not need to leave his home to access local care, avoiding risk of exposure to COVID-19 at a clinic, hospital or local pharmacy.  



There was a chance that John would have had to be screened for COVID-19 should he have left his home, but we were able to contain this through our TeleConsultation service. John received all his medication and is able to remain in Hubei while the quarantine restrictions are in place.