Two patients successfully evacuated on the same flight from Kenya to Kuala Lumpur


International SOS successfully evacuated two patients from two client companies on the same commercial flight from Kenya to Kuala Lumpur during COVID-19.


Service: Medical Evacuation
Location: Kenya to Kuala Lumpur



The first patient, employed by a Malaysian company and based in Monrovia, Liberia, was diagnosed with pneumonia. After being discharged from the local hospital, he was kept on an oxygen concentrator at home. The patient’s colleague contacted us, which raised a red flag, as the patient’s condition required continued hospitalisation. 


The second patient, also working for a Malaysian company, tested positive for COVID-19 and was initially admitted to a private hospital in South Sudan. The patient was then transferred to Kenya, where he was hospitalised for over one month. A commercial flight was organised to evacuate both patients, however there were a number of challenges faced, such as the limited number of commercial flights during the pandemic, as well as government approvals.




After speaking to our medical team, the first patient was medically evacuated with upgraded care to Kenya via Air Ambulance. After being hospitalised there for two weeks and showing signs of improvement, he was evacuated via commercial business class with an escort nurse arranged by the Johannesburg Assistance Centre. 


The evacuation of the second patient was also organised on the same commercial flight with an escort nurse from our Johannesburg team. The flight from Kenya to Kuala Lumpur was without incident and resulted in a successful handover between the escort nurse (Kenyan national) and the Kuala Lumpur medical team at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) arrival gate in the Satellite Building. 



The impact was very positive as both patients arrived safely at Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur, and we were able to ensure business continuity and piece of mind to our clients.