With organisations starting to consider returning to travel and how to go about this safely, this new ISO standard launching in Autumn will provide vital guidance to protect the workforce. The standard, ISO 31030, Risk management -- Managing travel risks -- Guidance for organizations, provides a structured approach to the development, implementation, evaluation and review of a travel risk management policy and programme, and the assessment and treatment of travel risks. These range from events such as a road accident, or a health incident, through to disease outbreaks, epidemics, natural disasters, as well as conflict, crime, security, health (including mental health) of travellers, and adversely affect the outcome of their travel objectives.



By promoting a culture where travel-related risk is taken seriously, resourced adequately, and managed effectively, the standard aims to garner recognised and realised benefits such as:

  • Contributing to business continuity capability and organisational resilience;
  • Improve worker confidence in travel-related health, safety and security arrangements;
  • Enabling business in high risk locations;
  • Enhancing an organisation’s reputation and credibility – leading to a positive effect on competitiveness, staff turnover and talent acquisition;
  • Reducing legal and financial exposure;
  • Increasing general productivity; and
  • Contributing to meeting the sustainable development goals by strengthening the social dimension of sustainability.

Our health and security experts are best aligned to support organisations on the comprehension, review and implementation of the new standard upon its release. To be one of the first to learn more about the standard and how to adapt your organisations polices and procedures, do get in touch.