A partnership in the fight against malaria

By Neil Robinson, Relate CEO

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the fight against malaria is far from over. In 2017, there were an estimated 219 million cases of malaria in 87 countries and the counted number of malaria deaths stood at 435,000.


Raising awareness and raising funds

Relate bracelets partnered with International SOS six years ago; and since then – we have raised more than R600,000 ($43,000) for malaria prevention and social upliftment. Equating to approximately 16,200 mosquito nets and the protection of 32,400 lives.

Roughly, a third of Relate's income is spent in creating earning opportunities, skills training, and enterprise development initiatives. Relate bracelets are handmade and sold with the objective to make a difference and change lives. Our bracelet makers range from the elderly to refugees as well as township youth. Through their craftsmanship, they are able to earn an income. The remaining bulk of our revenue is donated to credible causes.

To date, Relate has helped over 100 charities globally, such as the United Against Malaria (UAM) campaign. Whenever a Relate bracelet is bought and worn, the good deed will reach the causes and people for whom it was meant, and subsequently change lives. 

Since April 2010 Relate has sold over 3 million bracelets and raised more than R54 million towards making a social impact.




Partners in the fight to eliminate malaria

The UAM campaign and Relate together with world-class partners like International SOS, have raised more than R10-million for malaria-related causes during the period November 2009 to 28 February 2019. 


About The Relate Trust

The Relate Trust is a proudly 100% not-for-profit social enterprise which predominantly sells
handmade beaded bracelets around the world to raise money for charities globally, while creating jobs for people in low-income communities.

For more information on the Relate Trust, please visit relate.org.za.



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