
When a public health threat strikes, many organisations are caught off-guard. You need to fully understand the implications of threats like Zika, Ebola, measles or H1N1 in order to protect your people and your business. Providing you with the latest threat information, guidance on how to protect your people, and tools to support those impacted.


The Enterprise Health Security Centre is a web-based tool that provides you with all the tools necessary to manage common threats that impact personnel in the workplace, ensuring your business continuity at all times. 


The tool is the first-of-its kind, developed hand-in-hand with our clients.

Enterprise Health Security Center
What is included?

  • 40+ pre-scripted playbooks & plans.
  • 2,200+ supporting templates, documents, tools, links and resources.
  • Global Dashboard to monitor all your assets against threats.
  • Global Activity Reporting real-time and exportable.


What makes this tool different?

Content - our experts keep it up to date, so you do not have to

  • Over 100 documents were updated or modified in 2020 alone.
  • Access online anywhere to customisable downloadable documents and tools.
  • Content includes employee frequently asked questions (FAQ’s), procedures, guidelines, protocols, calculators, drill scenarios and more.
  • Access to manager-level information and analysis regarding global pandemic threats & country-specific concerns.
  • Ability to upload your own corporate and site-specific documents for central management.
  • Simple and tactical health information written for a layperson manager

Time saving - no need to search in a crisis

  • Email notifications are automatically sent to you when there is an incident within your site proximity.
  • Playbooks and checklists are already scripted for 40+ threats.
  • Documents and tools are already written and kept up-to-date for 40+ threats.
  • Actions taken by your management team are easily viewable and reportable.

Customisation - easy to modify plans right down to the site or asset

  • Procedures and tools to manage incidents, a playbook for managers, customise the threat alert notifications impacting your facilities.
  • Customise who on your team has access to specific assets / sites.
  • Customise any content or playbook for any plan, and for any asset / site.
  • Customise how you want to be notified when there is an incident or a plan activity. Ready support from our expert team.


For more information on how the Enterprise Health Security Centre can support your organisation, visit: