Employee Risk Digital Learning


 Digital Learning on all devices



All courses are accessible through subscription to our Workforce Resilience service and can be used across multiple devices. This means your workforce can benefit from a comprehensive risk curriculum.


Multi-device compatible, available in 11 languages

Our content is created by our own health and security experts. Our tool allows your people to learn at their own pace, when and where they want.




These short videos are designed to help your workforce understand common security or health risks: short and simple, they are intended to be watched prior to business operations. All our content helps your employees to know how to respond if a potential crisis occurs.

Topics include:



Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak: our latest information and advice can be found here.


Interactive - 10 minutes or more

The interactive courses outlined below contain simple knowledge checks designed to make sure your workforce are adequately prepared to better manage risk. The learning gained also ensures employees know how to respond if a potential crisis takes place.


Introduction to Membership

Free to Workforce Risk Management Service clients, this course is aimed at our managers and their people. It explains the scope of your benefits and the importance of proactive preparation, how to seek assistance, and how to download and use our Assistance App. The content also explains what online information is available to you and encourages you to sign up for updates and advisories.




Risk Awareness | Security

The course covers the key security risks you may face and is designed to help your employees stay safe. 






Women's Security | Security

Woman looking at map in the street

There are now more women in business than ever before. This course will benefit your female employees, and aims to provide useful information on how to mitigate the additional security risks women may face.






Road Safety | Security

Man with head in his hand at car crash

Commuting in unfamiliar places presents unexpected risks. Journeys by road particularly increase the risks for your employees. Road accidents are consistently listed in the top five reasons for medical evacuations. This course has been designed with support from the Global Road Safety Partnership and is a great way to raise awareness and reduce risk.




Higher Risk Awareness | Security 

This course builds upon the learning in our Risk Awareness Security module. It covers the more advanced security issues potentially affecting those commuting to higher risk locations. It is also very useful for those routinely working in medium-risk countries.






Cyber and Security Information | Security

fingers on laptop keysBusiness professionals are becoming more vulnerable to cyber and physical information security threats. Learn how to identify potential cyber and information security threats, and guidance on how business personnel can reduce their exposure to the risk of data theft.





Security in Latin America | Security

Map looking at phone

This course is designed to raise awareness of the different personal security risks related to working in Latin America. The course includes practical information and advice to help mitigate against these risks and maintain your safety.





Student Safety | Security 

This course is designed for students. It aims to help raise awareness of the various personal security risks that they may be faced with. The course includes practical advice, hints and other tips to help students mitigate the risks and to keep them safe while studying.





Student Safety | Female Security

Designed for female students, this course aims to help raise awareness of the various personal health and security risks that they may be faced with. It includes practical advice and hints, wellbeing and other tips to help students mitigate those risks and to keep them safe and secure.





Stress Management while working at home | Health

Providing tips and information to employees faced with a new or uncertain situation where it is common to feel stressed and anxious. Examining how to deal with information overload and how to manage the heightened awareness of the risks that you may be exposed to during periods of stress. 





Top Tips for Staying Healthy | Health

Helping to keep employees on the right path towards making good decisions. Staying healthy sometimes takes a little bit of work so we’ve created some top tips on keeping active, getting rest, and managing stress to help keep you on the right track.






Risk Awareness | Health

The course covers the key health risks you may face and is designed to help your employees stay healthy.






Malaria | Health

mosquito landed on surface

Malaria is a real risk to business professionals and employees in over 90 countries across the globe. However, malaria can be prevented and treated. This course will benefit your employees working in malaria affected areas.





Risk Awareness - Pandemics | A Manager's Guide  

Pandemics are disease outbreaks that spread around the world. This course will help you see how pandemics can affect anyone and how, as a manager, you can prepare to keep your employees well and your business running.






Travel Risk Awareness - Pandemics & Other Global Health Threats 

Pandemics are disease outbreaks that spread around the world. This course will help you see just how pandemics can affect anyone and how you can prepare and keep well. You’ll also see how to protect yourself from a range of specific viruses, any one of which could prove to be the next global pandemic.  This course also contains a module on the Zika virus.





Student Safety | Health & Wellness

Girl with bottle in forest and man in hallway at school

Designed for students, this course aims to help raise awareness of the various personal health risks that they may be faced with. The course includes, practical advice and hints, wellbeing and other tips to help students keep healthy while or studying.





ACCESS-TO-ALL digital learning portfolio

The digital learning portfolio is just one of the benefits of our Workforce Resilience service: everything you need to safely manage your global teams while they work around the world.


How to get started

Contact us to speak to one of our experts or to request free access to review our digital learning portfolio.


Student Travel – Security & Medical |  Comprehensive

Girl with bottle in forest and man in hallway at school

These two courses are designed for students who are travelling abroad. It aims to help raise awareness of the various personal security and medical risks that may be faced overseas. The course includes, practical advice and hints, well-being and other tips to help students mitigate those risks and to keep them safe and secure while travelling or studying abroad.

Course consists of two modules:
Duration: Medical : 25 minutes, Security : 25 minutes

Language: English 


Student Travel – Security & Medical |  Comprehensive

Girl with bottle in forest and man in hallway at school

These two courses are designed for students who are travelling abroad. It aims to help raise awareness of the various personal security and medical risks that may be faced overseas. The course includes, practical advice and hints, well-being and other tips to help students mitigate those risks and to keep them safe and secure while travelling or studying abroad.

Course consists of two modules:
Duration: Medical : 25 minutes, Security : 25 minutes

Language: English