Sector resources

Oil & Gas

A Guide to Health Impact Assessments in the Oil and Gas Industry

(English) Published by the IPIECA. This quick reference guide supplements the IPIECA/OGP publication, A Guide to Health Impact Assessments. It provides a summary checklist of activities to consider when conducting health impact assessments in the oil and gas industry.

A Guide to Malaria Management Programmes in the Oil and Gas Industry

(English) Published by the IPIECA. This quick reference guide supplements the OGP/IPIECA publication, A Guide to Malaria Management Programmes. It provides a brief overview of activities and frequently asked questions related to malaria for the oil and gas industry.

Duty of Care: Global Extraction, Energy, Engineering and Construction Industries

(English) Published by the International SOS Foundation. Summary of employers' Duty of Care to their employees in the oil and gas industry.

A study of Individual Resilience and Support Within the Energy, Mining and Infrastructure (EMI) Sectors

(English) Published by University of Nottingham. The study proposes that, for international assignees working in isolated work environments, resilience and self-efficacy as personal resources influence a number of desirable outcomes, and suggests that sources of support affect these resources.

Travel Guide: A Guide to Health and Safety for the Oil and Gas Professional

(English) This booklet provides simple travel health guidance notes that can either be used and distributed to employees ‘as is’, or adapted for use as part of an in-house health management programme.

Managing Psychosocial Risks on Expatriation in the Oil and Gas Industry

(English) Published by the IPIECA. This report outlines an overarching risk-based management strategy that identifies both potential issues and related risks, and actions for prevention and intervention.

Managing Health for Field Operations in Oil and Gas Activities

(English) Published by the IPIECA. The purpose of this document is to assist companies working within this sector to achieve and maintain high standards of health management for all people associated with field operations.

HIV/AIDS Management in the Oil and Gas Industry

(English) Published by the IPIECA. This document provides a set of resources for oil and gas industry professionals tasked with formulating policy and implementing best practices across their organisations.

Non-Governmental Organisations

(English) By Merkelbach and Kemp. Published by European Interagency Security Forum, 2016. Paper explores Dennis v Norwegian Refugee Council landmark ruling and its impact of Duty of Care and security risk management on the international aid sector in Europe and beyond.

(English) Published by Kristin Bergtora Sandvik. Through an account of the groundbreaking Steven Patrick Dennis v. the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) case litigated in Oslo District Court in 2015, the papers shows how the evolving juridification of humanitarian organisations’ duty of care for their staff is transforming both the content and the framing of the relationship between employers (NGOs) and employees (NGO workers), and perceptions of the moral duties and humanitarian worker subject positions that underpin this relationship.

Medical & Occupational Health

Make the Business Case for Investing in Occupational Safety and Health

(English) Published by the IOE. Presentation outlines the business case for investing in occupational health and safety.

The Return on Prevention: Calculating the Costs and Benefits of Investments in Occupational Safety and Health in Companies

(English) Published by ISSA. Summary of an investigation into the costs and benefits of investments into occupational safety and health programmes.

Global Swine Flu Pandemic Plans: Top 10 Legal Issues

(English) Published by White & Case. As proactive multinational organisations respond to the international swine flu outbreak of Spring 2009, global pandemic plans have legal implications on the health and welfare of employees. 


Higher Education Sector Guidance on Health and Safety in Fieldwork and Travel

(British English) Published by Universities Safety and Health Association (USHA) in association with the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA). This document provides a framework for establishing policies and procedures that enable staff, students and other participants in higher education institutions to undertake fieldwork safely. It provides institutions with a way to demonstrate that they are following good practice to manage fieldwork, thereby facilitating fieldwork in even the most remote and challenging of environments and circumstances.


Campus Health Guidelines

(English)  Published by the International SOS Foundation.  This booklet aims to provide school administrators and medical staff with basic guidelines on healthcare for students and staff. It is intended as a management guide to support schools in developing the appropriate policies that meet their needs. Hence,
it may not cover all the details of school healthcare requirements.


Field Trip Management: Health and Travel Security Risks.

(British English) Published by the International SOS Foundation.  This document is for anyone who is involved in the Risk Assessment process and anyone who has some knowledge/experience of Risk Assessment for outdoor activities in the Education Sector. 


Field Trip Management: Health and Travel Security Risks.

(US English) Published by the International SOS Foundation.  This document is for anyone who is involved in the Risk Assessment process and anyone who has some knowledge/experience of Risk Assessment for outdoor activities in the Education Sector. 


Universities Duty of Care: Legal Health, Safety and Security Responsibilities Towards their Travelling Students, Faculty and Staff

(English) Published by the International SOS Foundation and Sant'Anna. This document provides an overview of universities' legal Duty of Care responsibilities for their students, faculty and staff. 


Managing Medical & Travel Security Risks in the Education Sector: A Framework

(English) Published by the International SOS Foundation.  This document is for anyone who is involved in the Risk Assessment process and anyone who has some knowledge/experience of Risk Assessment for outdoor activities in the Education Sector. 


A Global View of the University’s Duty of Care Obligations

(English) Published by Dr Lisbeth Claus. This article highlights the risks and Duty of Care obligations that face colleges and universities. 


Duty of Care in the Global Scholastic Sector

(English) Published by International SOS Foundation. Summary of Duty of Care obligations for secondary schools, universities and other institutions in the scholastic sector.


Duty of Care in Action: Keeping Your Students and Faculty Healthy, Safe and Secure

(English) Published by International SOS. This briefing explores the risks colleges and universities face as they work to meet their Duty of Care obligations.


Manage Risks to Employees from International Travel for Business Purposes

(English) Published by the IOE. This document gives guidance on how to protect staff from the risks arising from work-related international travel.

To Stay and Deliver: Good Practice for Humanitarians in Complex Security Environments

(English) Published by OCHA. This study documents, across different types of security environments and risk patterns, a variety of practices humanitarian workers have used in their efforts to maintain an operational presence and continue their activities.