
Protecting your people. Fuelling your growth. 

  • Home to our first, and Indonesia's first, 24 hr clinic with direct access to a full clinical team
  • In 1998, we performed our first mass evacuation of 4,000 people during Jakarta's civil unrest
  • We support 100 client site clinics, manage over 72,000 cases and perform more than 250 medical or security evacuations for members a year

Indonesia is a country of opportunity for organisations looking to expand their operations in a rapidly growing consumer market. 

As a large developing country, there is a vast difference between the high quality medical care available in major cities and the low levels of care generally available throughout the rest of the country. 

Since 1984, we have established ourselves as a well-respected member of the local business and medical communities. We are the largest assistance provider in the country and have developed unrivalled expertise in providing an integrated medical solution and assistance services, as well as designing and managing customised medical solutions for remote projects. The patient-centred, medically-led, 24/7 concept instilled in our first Jakarta clinic is the model we have since applied all over the world.

indo clinic main


International SOS works with our clients to find unique solutions to help them mitigate medical and security risks. We offer a broad range of services from corporate membership and customisable pre-travel digital learning, to bespoke consulting services, such as health impact assessments and pandemic planning. 

We have also developed an online travel risk mitigation tool, Tracker, which allows our clients to determine how many of their employees are in a certain location and to communicate with them immediately during a crisis.