Health Consulting

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a global shift in the importance of health in organisations. To best meet the needs of your diverse workforce, we offer data-driven solutions that address a broad scope of health challenges, opportunities and trends. We support your organisation at every stage of developing and delivering an efficient health and wellness programme.

Our global network of consultants with expertise across varying locations, sectors and health risks, provide tailored consulting services that are strategically aligned to your health agenda. 

South Africa - Johannesburg office -health consulting


Gaining medical counsel from an advisor with industry and regulatory knowledge improves efficiency and organisational resilience. Our health advisors work with you and your stakeholders, using our proven methodology, to help review, assess and advise on your organisation’s health needs.

Health consulting diagram assess advise mitigate

Our heath consultants carry out an in-depth analysis to assess the health risks at your sites and workplace and its impact to your operations, as well as the potential impact of your operations on the surrounding community.

We advise clients on how to manage health concerns to maintain business continuity through a range of advisory services which include but are not limited to:

  • Reviewing your health policy and standards
  • Development and implementation of employee health and wellbeing programmes
  • Assessing and advising on health threat preparedness and planning
  • Reviewing of workplace health risks, malaria risks, hygiene and sanitation risks, community health risks and medical supply services



Our global medical advisors are on hand to add capacity and expertise to your medical team. Whether your need is for specialist site assessment, health systems development, or risk mitigation planning, our advisors add the needed capability.

health consulting for a security conglomerate

  • The Need: Our client required an assessment of the healthcare infrastructure and country preparedness in the locations where they operate, as well as psychological support for their workforce.


  • Our Offer: Our health experts on the ground advised on the necessary support for management as well as recommended communications during the crisis. We also assisted in developing a COVID-19 emotional support hotline for their employees. 

    Read the full case study.

health consulting support for french utility firm

  • The Need: Our client requested consultative support during COVID-19 due to limitations in their healthcare programmes. Their goal was to develop a global health standard across their organisations.


  • Our Offer: Our health experts reviewed and updated their existing healthcare policies and procedures, developed new plans and presented the global health standards to their employees through a series of webinars.

    Read the full case study.