Europe, Middle East & Africa


Risikominimierung bei beruflichen Auslandsaufenthalten – Evaluierung von Dienstreisen und Entsendungen 

(German) Published by the International SOS Foundation. The guide provides an overview on how companies can implement a Risk Assessment procedure for business travels and international assignments, in order to protect their mobile workforce.


Looking after your mobile workforce in a globalising economy - a guideline for Belgian organisations

(English) Published by the International SOS and Federation of Enterprises in Belgium. This booklet explains the legal requirements of employers in Belgium on their Duty of Care for mobile workers. Also includes case studies from Ideal Standard International, Janssen Pharmaceutica and Solvay on why insurance is not enough to fulfil Duty of Care responsibilities.


Looking After Your Mobile Workforce in a Globalising Economy

(English) Published by the International SOS Foundation and Dansk Industri (DI). The paper offers guidance to Danish organisations on how to best protect their most valuable assets, your employees from risks to their wellbeing and security when they travel and work abroad.


Duty of Care Owed by Danish Companies to Their Overseas Employees: A Legal Perspective

(English) Published by the International SOS Foundation and Norrbom Vingding. This summary provides an overview of the legal framework in Denmark governing Danish employers’ responsibility with regards to health and safety.


Working Safely Abroad

(English) Published by The Centre for Occupational Safety in cooperation with Castren & Snellman and the International SOS Foundation. This guide aims to help organisations in carrying out their health, safety and wellbeing duties and strengthen their safety culture.  

Also available in Finnish


Duty of Care Owed by Finnish Companies to Their Overseas Employees: A legal Perspective

(English) Published by the International SOS Foundation and Castren and Snellman. This summary provides an overview of the legal framework in Denmark governing Finnish employers’ responsibility with regards to health and safety.


  Étude sur les Entreprises de Taille Intermédiaire: Santé et sécurité des collaborateurs en   mobilité à l’international
  (French) Published by the International SOS Foundation. Covers Duty of Care legislation    in France and how mid-sized companies can protect their workforce abroad.

  Devoir de Protection et Gestion du Risque Voyage Étude Comparative Internationale
  (French) Published by International SOS. International comparative study of    multinational companies and how they implement their Duty of Care obligations. 

Guide Pratique Sûreté -  Sécurité des Voyageurs: 


 l'Usage des Entreprises Françaises Travaillant à l’International
(French) Published by the AFTM. Highlights issues that companies may face when their employees travel and suggests a preventative approach.
L’obligation de sécurité des employeurs vis-à-vis de leurs salariés en mission à l'étranger 
(French) Published by Latham & Watkins, International SOS Foundation. Learn about the responsibilities that French employers have to protect their workforce travelling and working abroad.
Le Devoir de Protection des Employeurs à L’Égard des Expatriés, de leurs Personnes à Charge et des Voyageurs d’Affaires
(French) Published by Dr Lisbeth Claus. Details the obligations of employers towards employees on overseas travel.

Rendement de la Prévention: Calcul du Ratio Coût-Bénéfices de l’Investissement dans la Sécurité et la Santé en Entreprise
(French) Published by AISS. A return on prevention study performing a cost/benefit analysis of investing in health and security in an enterprise.


Beurteilung psychischer Belastungen im internationalen Umfeld - Leitfaden für Unternehmen mit global tätiger Belegschaft zu Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden

(German) Published by the International SOS Foundation. The guide gives an overview on how companies can equip themselves with mental health help for their local employees, travellers and assignees in an international environment and implement measures to ensure the mental health of their workforce.  


COVID-19 – Was hat sich im Rahmen der Fürsorgepflicht des Arbeitgebers verändert?

(German) Published by the International SOS Foundation. The guide provides an overview about what has changed through COVID-19 in regards to the employer’s Duty of Care. The paper is covering COVID-related Occupational Health & Safety regulations in Germany as well as employer’s rights and duties in regards to vaccination and testing of domestic employees in Germany as well as when travelling abroad.

Berufliche Auslandsreisen und Entsendungen – Leitfaden zur Erstellung der Gefährdungsbeurteilung

(German) Published by the International SOS Foundation. The guide provides an overview on how companies can implement a Risk Assessment procedure for business travels and international assignments, in order to protect their mobile workforce.


Fürsorgepflicht und Management von Reiserisiken Benchmarking-Studie Deutschland

(German) Published by International SOS. This study examines German companies and their attitudes and practices with regards to Duty of Care and Travel Risk Management.  

Fürsorgepflicht und Management von Reiserisiken Benchmarking-Studie Europa 

(German) Published by International SOS. This study examines European companies and their attitudes and practices with regards to Duty of Care and Travel Risk Management. 

Gesundheit und Sicherheit bei Auslandseinsätzen
(German) Published by Rudolf & Vossberg. Paper covers German law on the Duty of Care requirements of employers for employees that travel and work across borders.


Medical Assistance: A new field in medicine
(German) Published by Dr Stefan Eßer, Klaus Schäfer, Kai Sickmann, Christine Wehrhahn and Jadwiga Dutsch. Covers the new field of Assistance Medicine and how it helps prevent and treat illness and injury for those travelling and working abroad.

Prävention lohnt sich Kosten und Nutzen von Präventionsmaßnahmen zu Sicherheit und Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz für die Unternehmen
(German) Published by ISSA. This document covers effective workplace prevention strategies with to reduce illness, injury and death.


Rechte und Pflichten
(German) Published by the International SOS Foundation. Paper covers the overseas responsibilities that German employers have towards workers.

Return on Prevention
(German) Published by the International SOS Foundation and Prevent. This study investigates the latest thinking on the risks associated with international assignments and the costs of failure.



Duty of Care Owed by Irish Companies to Their Overseas Employees: A legal Perspective 
(English) Published by the International SOS Foundation and Arthur Cox. This summary provides an overview of the legal framework in Ireland governing Irish employers’ responsibility with regards to health and safety.


Duty of Care, il nuovo modello in Materia, di gestione dei rischi di viaggo

(Italian) Published by the International SOS Foundation in collaboration with Gianni and Origoni. A paper on Duty of Care of employees with updated national legal reviews also encompassing the ISO 31030 standard. 


Duty of Care, Lavoratori con contratto italiano all’estero e responsabilità del datore di lavoro 

(Italian) Published by the International SOS Foundation in collaboration with the law firm Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners. A paper on the regulatory sources about employer and company's responsibility and safety obligations for Italian employees working internationally,


Security accessible - Security in the workplace for researchers in areas exposed to geopolitical risk.

(Italian)  Published by The University of Trieste  -  What is normality between intelligence and terrorism? 


Duty of Care   La responsabilità di tutela dei dipendenti: salute e sicurezza dei collaboratori che operano all’estero
(Italian) Published by the International SOS Foundation and BonelliErede. 


The Responsibility of Employee Protection: Health and Safety of the Collaborators Who Work Abroad

(Italian) Published by the International SOS Foundation and BonelliErede. A paper on the legal Duty of Care requirements organisations should be aware of when sending employees overseas.


Il Duty of Care in Italia e la Responsabilità dei Datori di Lavoro Verso gli Espatriati e i Viaggiatori

(Italian) Published by B&P Avvocati. A briefing paper on Duty of Care in Italy and the responsibility of companies to their business travellers.


Zorg Voor Uw Mederwerkers Die de Grens Overgaan
Handleiding voor Nederlandse Organisaties  (Dutch)

This publication is intended to guide companies with international ambitions. Experts from AWVN and International SOS Foundation outline some of the concepts of Duty of Care and the legal environment. Besides three Dutch companies, Pon Equipment & Pon Power, Royal HaskoningDHV and Tata Steel explain what Duty of Care means to them and how they have implemented a program to fulfil their Duty of Care as an employer.


Duty of Care in Norway: A Legal Perspective

(English) Published by Kluge and International SOS Foundation. An overview on the responsibility of Norwegian companies for their employees travelling on business and overseas assignments.


O Duty of Care no direito do trabalho

(Portuguese) The increasing migration of the labour force (manual or business) as well as globalization and corporate relocation have dramatically increased the incidence in which the worker travels and works abroad for business.  This paper provides an overview on employers’ legal responsibilities to keep their mobile workforce safe abroad.

Published by Cuatrecasas and the International SOS Foundation.


Operating in Russia Far North and Far East Regions: How to Mitigate Occupational Health Risks and Meet Regulatory Compliance

(English) Published by Russin & Vecchi L.L.C. International Legal Counsellors and International SOS (2020). This whitepaper supports organisations planning to set up operations in the Russian Far North and Far East regions. Due to the complex health and safety conditions, the paper advises how to mitigate from these risks to ensure sustainable operations.

Investing and Operating in Russia: Mitigate Occupational Health Risks and Meet Regulatory Compliance

(English) Published by Enhesa and International SOS (2017). This whitepaper addresses the most complex and contradictory legal requirements pertaining to occupational health and safety, harm prevention, current common law practices and guidance on the problems employers face in the field of occupational health.


Deber de Protección: Una Visión de la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en el Marco de la Internacionalización de las Empresas

(Spanish) Published by Rosario Rodriguez de la Morena. An overview of how to mitigate travel risk for business travellers, assignees and global workforce. 

El Deber de Protección del Empleado Expatriado o Desplazado en la Legislación Española

(Spanish) Published by International SOS. Benchmarking study comparing attitudes on Duty of Care in Spanish organisations to global organisations.

El Rendimiento de la Prevención: Cálculo de los Costos y Beneficios de las Inversiones en la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo en las Empresas

(Spanish) Published by AISS et al.

Obligaciones de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales Respecto de los Trabajadores Desplazados al Extranjero

(Spanish) Published by International SOS.

South Africa

Duty of Care in South Africa: A Legal Perspective

(English) Published by Werkman's Attorneys and the International SOS Foundation. Learn about an employer's duty of care in South Africa under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and what it means for travellers, assignees and worker's abroad.


Looking after your Mobile Workforce in a Globalising Economy

(English) Published by VIGNE, SWERMA and the International SOS Foundation.  A guideline for Swedish organisations.  This publication will help organisations understand how to translate their duty of care into policies, processes and actions.


Duty of Care Owed by Swedish Companies to Their Overseas Employees: A Legal Perspective
(English) Published by the VINGE and the International SOS Foundation. This summary provides an overview of the legal framework in Sweden governing Swedish employers’ responsibility with regards to health and safety.


Looking after your Mobile Workforce in a Global Economy.  A guide for Swiss organisations. 

(English) This document is intended to guide companies with International ambitions and provides a starting point for reflection on how to set up an effective travel risk management programme. 


Extension du Devoir du Protection (“Duty of Care”) aux Bilans de Santé des Voyageurs en Mission et des Expatriés

(French) Published by Jean-Bernard Carbonnel. This study provides an overview of medical practices (including health checks) by Swiss employers to ensure Duty of Care. 


Also available in English


Can you Get Sued in Switzerland?

(English) Published by Michel Chavanne. Overview of the rights and obligations of Swiss companies and organisations pertaining to their travelling and expatriate staff.


Also available in French and German


International SOS Foundation has produced a new practical and simple Duty of Care checklist in partnership with Switzerland’s largest employers accident insurer, SUVA.


Available in French and German and English

United Kingdom

Higher Education Sector Guidance on Health and Safety in Fieldwork and Travel

(British English) Published by Universities Safety and Health Association (USHA) in association with the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA). This document provides a framework for establishing policies and procedures that enable staff, students and other participants in higher education institutions to undertake fieldwork safely. It provides institutions with a way to demonstrate that they are following good practice to manage fieldwork, thereby facilitating fieldwork in even the most remote and challenging of environments and circumstances.


Sending Workers Abroad: A Scottish Perspective on the Employer's Duty of Care in Relation to Health, Safety and Security.
Published by Burness and Paul and the International SOS Foundation. An overview of Scottish Duty of Care legislation and the impact to the mobile worker.


Sending Workers Abroad: A Perspective on the Employer's Duty of Care in Health, Safety & Security Matters.

Published by Allen & Overy and the International SOS Foundation. This paper is intended to provide an overview of the Duty of Care owed to employees who are deployed from England or Wales to work in another jurisdiction, either on a short-term basis (e.g. a business trip) or as part of a longer-term arrangement, such as an international assignment or secondment.